Friday, October 3, 2014



Dear Parents/Guardians,
    This year the fourth grade has 2 enrichment activities already booked that support our Social Studies and our Science curriculum.  Lowell Mills will be sending a representative to Pine Glen in the beginning of December to do an enrichment program with us about immigration.  This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to do some hands-on activities and to gain a deeper understanding of the immigration process.

    Another exciting activity that will be taking place in October is Rocket Day.  The students will have the opportunity to build a rocket and then to blast it off on October 31st in the Pine Glen side parking lot beginning at 9AM.  Parents will be invited to this event.  Please check your child’s folder and the fourth grade teachers’ blogs to learn more.  This is a great Science activity that reinforces our force, motion, and flight unit.  

    The cost for these events is $15.  Please make checks out to Pine Glen 4th Grade or send cash to your child’s teacher by Monday, October 20th.

We are still looking into booking at least one additional field trip in the spring.  

Thank you!
Mrs. Visocchi
Ms. Hayes
Mrs. Finn

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