Wednesday, May 10, 2017


This week will be our third week with our Bridges Volunteers.  We had a getting to know you session where we created group names and have made connections to why the program is called Bridges.  Last week the fourth graders took their volunteers on a tour of the school.  We compared schools today to schools in the past.  There were a lot of differences, but many similarities as well.  This week we will be sharing heirlooms and traditions.  I can't wait to see what everyone brings in!

Nora made a Mona Lisa Mrs. Visocchi!

Megan showcased one of the many murals that are on display at Pine Glen.

Chloe shared some of the amazing art on display for the Art Show on Thursday, May 11th. 

Susan brought a rotary phone for us to try.  No texting here!

Akash showed off his sister's Kindergarten classroom.
The Gourmet Group

The Happy Reading Eating Animals Group

The Great Outdoors

The Colorful Bunny Music Group

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